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Three long silver blades
Swiftly cut through flesh to scrape at bone
Twist through small resistance
Slip on blood that gushes between them
Drip down sweat-soaked skin
Drumming of a pounding heart
Rhymes shallow staccato breathing
Tears burn her pleading eyes
Silken strands stick to hollow cheeks
Pull back from their sheath of flesh
Tremors play upon his body
Silver and crimson twine in harmony
A perfect rhythm of pain
Her blood-drained lips move on silent vowels
His hand reaches foreword
Words fight to spring from his lips
He begs forgiveness with touch
Skin gives what his metal blades took
All references to characters belonging to the X-Men Universe are (c) and TM the Marvel Comics Group, 20th Century Fox and all related entities. All rights reserved. Any reproduction, duplication or distribution of these materials in any form is expressly prohibited. No money is being made from this archive. All images are also (c) and TM the Marvel Comics Group, 20th Century Fox and all related entities; they are not mine. This website, its operators and any content used on this site relating to the X-Men are not authorized by Marvel, Fox, etc. I am not, nor do I claim to be affiliated with any of these entities in any way.