Future's Hope
Chapter 2

It was a fitful night for Joy. Nightmares plagued her sleep as her subconscious recalled the activities of the past few days. When she awoke the next morning, she was more tired then when she had went to bed.

It was nice to be back in the mansion, she thought. Especially when there was no fear of being attacked or having to go off and fight. It felt like home; the only real home she had ever known. She remembered the painful memories of when her parents died. She had only been eight or nine then, always on the run it seemed, but it had sparked something deep down inside her. It was D'Arcy's fault that they were dead. She wouldn't rest until he was in the ground, too.

After a shower, she put on a pair of jeans and a shirt Jean had leant her. They were a little long, but they would do. Venturing down the stairs, she met a few of the team eating breakfast. It was a Saturday, so most of the kids were sleeping in.

"Good morning," said Jean as she saw their visitor enter the kitchen. "I hope you got enough sleep. I want to do a few tests today, if you don't mind."

Joy sat down at the large table across from Scott. He was reading a newspaper, but managed to acknowledge her with a nod.

"That's fine by me," she replied, still a little sleepy. By the way they were acting, she guessed that Logan hadn't told them about last night, thankfully.

Speaking of which, Logan was over by the stove, apparently making a breakfast that involved a lot of meat. She could smell the bacon and sausage as they simmered in the pan. "Ya," he added, "I wanna see why I called ya Sparks."

"Well," Joy said, steepling her fingers as her elbows rested on the arms of the chair, "I could give you a little demonstration right now."

Jean stopped rummaging though the fridge to look. Even Scott put down his paper. As Joy sat, she slowly began to draw her fingers away from each other. The two pointers began to glow faintly and a small spark flew from one to the other. The stream of energy continued until she yawned. Discontinuing the flow, she covered her mouth with one hand.

"Sorry," she apologized. "I guess I'm still a little drowsy."

"Here ya go," said Logan as he poured a cup of coffee and placed it in front of her. "It's my own special blend. It'll wake ya up, I guarantee it.'

She smiled. "Sounds like something Remy would say."

"Who?" the three asked in unison as they stopped and looked at her.

"Oh, never mind," she replied, and they went back to what they were doing, a small smile on Joy's lips.

Jean seemed to have finished eating and was on her way out when she turned to speak. "When you're done, would you mind joining me in the training yard? I want to see what else you can do."

"Sure thing," grinned Joy. "I thought you'd never ask."

* * * * *

This is going to be fun. That's what was on their guest's mind as she helped set up a target on the far side of the yard. A metal one, preferably. When they had finished, Jean and Joy walked back to the other side where Logan was waiting for them.

"Whenever you're ready," the redhead told her.

As she stretched her arm towards the target, the other two mutants stepped back. Never know when something could go wrong, thought Jean as she remembered a particularly bad practice session with Scott when they were younger. Still, it made her smile. The look on the Professor's face when he had seen what the young man had done to the side of the building was priceless. And poor Scott had felt so bad, it was actually sweet to know he cared that much. At least they had learned to practice *away* from the house.

As she reached for the target, hand open, a small glow began to radiate from Joy's palm. In a moment, a small golden orb formed; its surface changing as it gave here and there with little sparks and flashes. Suddenly, a intensely bright beam of energy shot out, hitting its goal dead on. When it dissipated, all that remained was a smoldering and charred piece of metal.

Turning to her comrades, she asked, "How was that?"

Jean was nodding. "Impressive," she commented. "How long did it take to control your powers with such accuracy?"

"Not too long. When you fight for your life, you learn very quickly."

"Too true," she replied.

"So Wolvie," Joy said, turning to Logan, "did that answer your question?" There was a slight smile on her face.

"Ya, I guess so," he returned, trying not to sound impressed. "What is that stuff anyway?" he continued. "Electricity?"

She nodded. "I can control and direct electrical currents. I can even..." -she held her palm open to the sky- "suck the energy I need right out of the air." As she said this another glowing orb appeared in her hand, very faint this time. "But it takes a lot of energy to do it this way." She closed her fingers around the ball. When she opened her hand, it was gone. "It's much easier to tap into a building or wire."

"Very interesting," commented Jean. She was busy scratching away in a notebook. "I wonder if your power has any similarities to Ororo's?" she asked, more to herself than to anyone else. Again she wrote in her book. After a moment she paused and looked up. "What about that healing ability you mentioned earlier?"

Logan's ears seemed to perk up. He was definitely curious about that.

Joy saw the expression on his face and grinned. "Knew you tagged along for something else. Yes, I have a slight artificial healing factor," she said turning to Jean. "Nothing like Wolvie's mind you, but it does the job."

"But how can it be artificial?" the other woman asked. Last time they had dealt with something like that, it was during the fight against Magneto, and it hadn't turned out well for a certain Senator.

"In the future," she began, "we have the technology to artificially create mutated genes for specific abilities. I was given a healing factor because I was chosen for this mission. We thought it would come in handy."

Jean nodded again as she scribbled some more notes down. "Anything else?" she asked without looking up.

She smiled. "I do have a small telepathic ability. I must have got it from my mother. My father wasn't a mutant and it's not artificially created."

Jean was clearly interested. "I wonder if that has anything to do with the Professor not being able to read your mind?

"To tell the truth," Joy continued, "I really don't know. When we tried figuring it out before, the best we could come up with is that the human brain will change so much in the next thousand years that it will act differently from people's nowadays. Before I left, I could communicate with other telepaths. But after my arrival here, it didn't seem to work."

Jean nodded. "I suppose that would make sense. Anything else?"

Joy paused for a moment as she thought about it. "Now that you mention it," she mused, "there is something you found interesting last time. When I absorb energy, it doesn't hurt me, neither does electricity when I'm hit with it. I can stick my finger in a socket and not get a scratch. However," she continued, "when I'm exposed to electricity while in water, I'm as vulnerable as everyone else. Any other medium doesn't bother me. It's just with water that I'm defenseless. It's the oddest thing if you ask me. Never been able to figure out why."

Jean's brow was creased. "That is odd. I've never heard of a mutant with your type of ability being harmed by their own power that way." She paused for a moment, staring into space as she thought. When she eventually returned, she faced Joy. "I guess I'm done with you for now, then," she shrugged. "I'll go analyze what I have and let you know if I need to run any tests later."

"No prob," Joy replied. Jean put her head back into her notes as she walked away, concentrating on her writing.

"Wanna do something then?" asked Logan. He didn't have anything better to do.

"Sure," she replied. "Hey, I know. Let's hot wire Scott's bike! It'll be like old times, so to speak."

Logan gave her the most curious look. Then he smiled mischeviously. "Y'know, I think we're gonna get along just fine."

* * * * *

It had been a good day, Joy decided. She hadn't felt this happy in a long time.

She and Logan had taken Scott's bike and gone for a joy ride. On the way back they had stopped for some lunch at Logan's favourite joint, and on their return, Charles had told her he had located D'Arcy. Unfortunately, the Professor had found him at an airport and thought it wise to wait until the next morning to take action. By then, D'Arcy would hopefully have landed and Charles could use Cerebro to find his location again.

As she sat thinking under an old tree in the yard, Joy stared up at the starry sky that was peeking though the branches. Leaning back against the trunk, she remembered the last time she had sat under a moonless night like tonight...

"Bobby," said Joy coming up behind him as he sat on a bench in the yard; their bench. She had said it so softly, she was afraid he hadn't heard.

As she walked around the far end and sat down next to him, she noticed he was staring at the twinkling stars overhead, blue eyes gleaming.

"Whatcha thinking about?" she asked, worried that something was wrong.

He didn't answer for the longest time. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, he sighed. "Us," he said simply, still looking up.

She moved closer and put her arm through his as she snuggled up to his side.

"Remember when you first came?" he asked. "I couldn't keep away from you. There was just something there, something pulling me towards you..." He stopped, seemingly unable to find the words for what he wanted to say next.

"I remember," she whispered as she leaned her head on his shoulder. "I couldn't stand it at first, but that was a long time ago." They both looked up at the shining heavens now, content that they were just together.

"You're leaving soon, aren't you?" he asked all of a sudden. He said it calmly though, as if it were normal conversation.

She nodded. They both knew it was going to be soon. It had taken them almost two years to reconstruct a time device, but they were finally done. Just a couple more things here and there, but it was essentially complete.

"How long do you think?" he asked again, this time with a twinge of emotion in his voice.

"I don't know. Two, maybe three days. It depends how much time we spend on it."

"But not that long," he sighed. He turned from the stars to her, his eyes starting to glisten.

When she saw he was fighting back tears, she couldn't help but start to cry. As a single drop slowly rolled down her cheek, Bobby reached to wipe it away. As he touched it, it turned to ice. "I love you, you know," he said, a tear of his own falling.

"I know," she whispered back as she wrapped her arms around him. "I love you, too."

Joy opened her eyes. She was beginning to tear up when she saw a shooting star streak overhead. Wiping her eyes she stared after the bright object until its trail faded back into the night. Silently, she made a wish. More than a wish, she hoped. She wanted this one to come true.

As her gaze once again fell to the stars, she whispered softly. "I love you, too."

* * * * *

Bobby had just finished a quick midnight snack and was half way up the stairs when Logan walked by. The older man paused at the bottom of the flight and looked up at the young student. After a moment of reflection, he called out, "Hey, kid."

Bobby turned, surprised. Logan hardly talked to him. Plus, there was that look he gave him whenever he was with Rogue. Bobby didn't like that look. He also didn't exactly like being stopped in the middle of the night by the man. However, he was an authority figure, and Bobby knew better than to ignore him.

"Yes, sir?" he said.

"Don't call me sir," Logan grumbled. He scratched the back of his head then looked up at Bobby with a creased brow. "Can I talk at ya for a sec?"

Bobby was half relieved, seeing that he wasn't going to be yelled at, but also half terrified that Logan was just waiting to make sure there were no witnesses.

"Ah, sure Mr. Logan."

"And don't call me that either, kid," said Logan as he led the way back into the kitchen, "it's just Logan, okay?"

Bobby nodded as he took a seat at the table. Logan opted to stand. Well, to pace, actually. Finally, when it seemed like he had decided what he was going to say, he took a seat across from Bobby.

"You've probably been wonderin' what happened yesterday in the mess." Bobby nodded again.

The older man continued. "It's just that it's a complicated situation. I think it'll be best if you stayed away from our guest for a while."

Now Bobby was really confused. He hadn't done anything, had he? Plus, it seemed like Logan was actually kinda being nice to him; or at least trying to. "Stay away?"

"Ya. I know it doesn't make a lotta sense, but I think it would probably make Joy feel a lot better."

Joy. That's a pretty name, thought Bobby. His mouth spoke something different, though. "But I don't understand. How could I have done something to upset her? I've never even talked to her."

I'm sure you've done a lot more than just talk before, Logan thought to himself. He opted for a more appropriate response. "Like I said kid, it's complicated. Just keep you're distance, okay?"

Bobby decided it was time to shut up. He nodded again and a smile crossed Logan's face. "Good!" he said getting up. As he passed by the student, he patted him on the back; a little too hard for Bobby's liking. "I knew you weren't that bad, kid. Now get some sleep." With that Logan sauntered out of the kitchen and down the hall.

Bobby let out a sigh of relief. He wasn't glad that Logan had decided to hold this cryptic little conversation with him, but at least it had piqued his interest in this new visitor of theirs. He decided to talk to Rogue about it tomorrow. Right now, he was ready for sleep. "Joy," he whispered quietly to himself, "I like that name." Smiling, he headed for his nice warm bed.

* * * * *

"Have you found him yet?" Joy was anxious. She hadn't had a very good second night; tossing and turning, her uneasiness growing as she thought about it all. She wanted this to be over. Now. She wanted to know the future would be safe.

"He was in Berlin yesterday, and I haven't checked yet today, but I'm grateful that you waited," replied the Professor, knowing she was itching to get going.

Waiting... waiting... She didn't like to wait. She didn't want to; not any longer. Not when she was this close. But she also knew it had been the right thing to do.

"I know you want to leave as soon as possible, so I've sent Scott to load up the Blackbird." He stopped to look at her, her expression concerned. "We'll get him," he told her, "don't worry."

She took a deep breath and nodded.

"And since it's been some time," he continued, "I think I'll check on him again. Why don't you go suit up with the others?"

They were in his office. She was too tense to sit, so she choose to stand, gripping the back of a chair. As he wheeled out from behind his desk and headed for the door, she followed.

It was a silent ride down to the covert level. When the elevator door open, Joy turned one way, the Professor the other. Easily finding her way to the ready area, the door slid aside to reveal Ororo and Jean.

Ororo smiled slightly. "How are you doing?"

"I'll hang in there," she answered as the door closed behind her.

"Here," said Jean as she tossed her a bundle of clothes. "I thought you might want a new uniform, your's being a little beat up and all."

Joy was a little surprised. She hadn't thought of it herself, but it was nice to know they were thinking of her.

As the women finished getting dressed, there was a knock at a door opposite that of the main one.

"Can I come in yet?" a voice whined. "I mean, it's been five whole minutes. Aren't you ready yet?" It was Logan. Apparently, the girls had made him wait outside while they were dressing.

"You can come in now," returned Jean, stifling a giggle.

"'Bout time," mumbled Logan as the door swung open and he moped in. "What we need are separate changin' rooms," he growled. The girls tried not to laugh at the poor man's obvious misery, but they couldn't help it.

Scott entered just as the three woman were on their way out. "He's all yours," said Jean as they made their exit, laughter echoing down the hall.

"Now what was all that about?" asked Scott when the door shut behind him.

His colleague grunted. "Women. Never did understand 'em much."

* * * * *

The team had gathered in the hanger bay, waiting for the Professor to arrive. The jet was loaded up and ready to go; now all they need was a destination.

"He's in London." Everyone turned as the Professor entered the room. "I've uploaded the exact coordinates into the computer. You shouldn't have any trouble finding him."

Scott nodded. "We'll be back before you know it."

"I hope so," Charles replied. "I'm not grading all those term papers by myself."

The team laughed, glad there was a break in the tension.

"All right then," yelled Scott, "let's go!"

* * * * *

Joy sat squirming in her seat. It had been about an hour since they had left the mansion, and still another to go before they landed in England. But she wasn't wiggling because of the imminent confrontation. It was because her new uniform was too tight.

Logan noticed her suffering and came to sit next to her. "I know how ya feel," he said sympathetically. "Same thing happened to me. I don't know who makes 'em, but they're more uncomfortable then sittin' on a --"

Joy didn't need to hear the rest. She put up her hand to stop him. "I get the idea," she said.

"No prob," he replied, his job done. "How ya doin' anyhow?"

She wriggled again. "I'm all right. I'll be better when we get there. Where did Scott say he was?"

"In an abandoned section of the city. Old rundown buildin' or somethin'. Don't worry, we'll get there."

"I know," she replied, turning to stare out a window. "I know."

CHAPTERS:   1   2   3

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