Love, the True Test of Time Chapter 6 by Lady Jane T
All characters in this fan fiction are the property of Miramax. . . this is all in good fun and I hope you enjoy. This is dedicated to all those women out there hoping that their Leopold will come riding in on a white horse, swoop them off their feet and live happily ever after. Keep believing!
Leopold was totally rejuvenated after his ride through Central Park and when he arrived at the house he showed it. Otis was at the door to take his coat
"Did you enjoy your ride, your grace?"
"Absolutely fantastic, Otis. It is a truly glorious day. Next time you will have to join me."
Otis managed a chuckle, "My horse riding days are over, your grace. I think I will stick to a horse and buggy, but thank you for the offer."
Two of the house maids were in the hall and they both bowed to Leopold; he smiled at them. "Why Mary, you did something to your hair and it looks charming. It suits you."
She blushed, "Thank you, your grace, I just curled it a bit." He was always kind to them. And everyone in the house had enjoyed his time there. Such a contrast from Millard barking orders at everyone.
He turned to Otis, "Surely the ladies are through with the dress fittings."
"I am afraid not, your grace, but I imagine that it won't be long now. Should I fetch you your tea and have it brought to the study?"
"That would be lovely, Otis. And pray tell, where is my dear Uncle? I need to have a word or two with him."
"He retired to his room."
"To sulk, I assume. Change of plans, I will have my tea in my uncles quarters."
"Your grace, do you really feel that is a wise move, under the circumstances?"
"When to approach my uncle, is never an easy task. So I will take care of it now, wise or unwise. And I must say, I don't feel I can be easily rattled at this moment, so there is no time like the present."
"Very well, your grace, I will have your tea brought up to you."
Leopold had a skip in his step as he headed up the stairs, two at a time. As he passed Kate's room he stopped and had a listen. He could hear all the women talking at once and wondered how she was copping. He rapped on the door, "Are you ladies decent?" he called out.
He started to open the door and was met by his Aunt Margaret, "This is inappropriate, now go away."
"You can't blaming me for wanting a peek."
His aunt smiled at him, while he desperately tried to look past her. He caught a glimpse of Kate in her undergarments and she had a pleading look in her eyes. "Leopold, a gentleman should not be peeking a glimpse at his fiance in her undergarments."
"I realize that Aunt Margaret, but you have kept me away from my fiance for the last two hours and I am desperate for any glimpse of her at all."
Kate pulled away from the dressmaker and ran to the door before Margaret could shut it; "You have to get me out of here. I am going crazy. I have had enough prodding and poking and measuring. Please..."
"I would love to oblige but I have no authority in these matters, Kate. I am but a lowly Duke, who is brushed aside by the women when it comes to clothes and other such necessities. And you do need a wardrobe, yes?"
She nodded her head. "Then grin and bear it. I am sorry I can't be of much assistance." Margaret pulled her away from the door.
"Leopold, you are distracting her, now run along. I promise we won't keep her from you much longer."
Before the door closed he mouthed, "I love you" and she sneered at him.
He headed down the hallway and knocked on his uncle's door. "Uncle, I have come to make amends."
From inside his quarters he said, "Unless you are going to tell me you are calling this ridiculous engagement off, I don't want to speak to you."
Leopold barged in without an invitation. "You will speak to me." He closed the door behind him.
He took the steamliner tickets out of his pocket and laid them on the table in front of his uncle.
"What are these?"
"What do they look like?
"I really am in no mood for games, Leopold."
"Fairly well, they are tickets on the Great Britain II which sets sail in four days time. I have booked passage for the five of us, Otis included of course."
"Oh, for god's sake, if you think for one minute I am going back to England you are dead mistaken."
"You will go back to England because I am requesting it, Uncle. I am to be married to Kate, whether you like it or not, and I want to be married at Balinor. I would never even consider a wedding without you and Aunt Margaret there, no matter how stubborn and pigheaded you are. You are the only family I have. And Balinor is my home, as well as yours. It is where I want to raise my family, just like you raised me and just like my grandfather raised you and my father. I realize there is a lot to be done on the estate, but I believe I can make Balinor what it once was. Give me a chance. I belong in England, I belong at Balinor."
Millard looked at his only nephew. He and Margaret had never been able to have children; and when his brother (the previous Duke of Albany) and his wife were killed when Leopold was seven, they had raised him as if he were their own child. Leopold had grown up into a fine young man, and Margaret had told him time and time again, that he was partly responsible for the man he had become. He loved Leopold and felt he was protecting him. And to go back to England now with Kate, could be a huge mistake. But how could he deny him the wedding he dreamed of. Both Millard and his brother had been married at Balinor. It was a grand place, despite the financial difficulties that had fallen upon the family and maybe Leopold could save it.
There was a rap at the door. It was Otis. "Pardon me, your lordship, your grace, I have brought your tea"
"Thank you, Otis." After he set it the tray down, he was about to leave and Leopold stopped him. "Please stay. Uncle Millard, I believe, was about to say something of major importance before you walked in the room. Am I correct, uncle?"
He muttered under his breath, in disgust, "Otis, I really don't know what to make of this young man. But, once again, he has managed to pull the wool over my eyes and I am giving into him and his foolish whims."
Leopold smiled in triumph, and proceeded to go over and hug his uncle, who quickly pushed him away, "None of that, nonsense."
"Pardon me for asking, your grace, but what foolish whim is his lordship referring to?"
"Otis knows you to well, Leopold. It has been one foolish whim after another; I am correct on that matter."
"Enough from both of you. This is hardly a foolish whim. Otis, we will be packing our things. We set sale for England in four days time."
Otis wasn't the least bit surprised. He always knew that Balinor was where Leopold's heart was. The question now was how would Kate deal with the news.
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