Chapter 10

The idea for this story came to me one morning while I was half asleep and it just went from there. I wanna thank LT and especially Deke for all their beta help on this and Elektra for leads on research and basically just listening while I rattled :-).

This is another one of my odd jumbles of Movieverse and comic canon. It's Movieverse Logan with comic book Logan's background although I've taken some liberties with the timeline of Logan's epiphany.

I've also taken some literary license with the existence of burlesque theaters in New York City in the 40's since Mayor Fiorello La Guardia actually began shutting them down in 1937 but I'm sure you all don't really care ;-)

Disclaimer: Logan and anyone else you recognize belong to Marvel and 20th Century Fox. Everyone else is mine but I'm willing to share 'em. I'm poor and not making any money of this so please don't sue me.

Feedback: Fugu me, man!

All too soon their idyllic respite was over. They returned home to Brooklyn on Thursday night to a happy welcome from Mike and Mrs. Lieberman.

"Hello, hello!" Mrs. L cried in greeting as they entered.

"Mommy!" Michael ran over and launched himself at Nina's legs. Then turned to Logan, "Uncle Logan! Can I call you 'daddy' now, Uncle Logan?"

Logan hefted the little boy into his arms and glanced at Nina who was looking at them with watery eyes. "What do you say, mommy?" He asked her.

"I think that would be wonderful," she said huskily.

Logan smiled at her, a brilliant smile that always made her heart skip a beat, and let himself be led into the living room where Mike's Tinker Toys lay scattered across the rug and sat down to start building with the boy.

"My goodness, Nina," Mrs. L commented, indicated all the packages they'd arrived with. "Did you buy everything on Fifth Avenue?"

"Almost," Nina giggled.

"You look happy as a stoat, my dear." The older woman lowered her voice confidentially. "Married life seems to agree with you." She turned and looked wistfully at Logan sitting cross-legged on the floor next to Mike, putting together the wooden sticks and disks into interesting shapes. "Of course I'm sure it would agree with me too if Logan was my husband."

"Mmmmmm," Nina agreed absently. Starting and blushing guiltily when Mrs. Lieberman turned to catch her looking at her husband like he was a piece of meat and she was stray dog.

Mrs. L reached over and patted her hand. "Nothing to be embarrassed about. It's nice to see two young people as in love as you and Logan are."

Their return to the theater the next morning was bittersweet for Nina. It was the last two weeks of her old life and she would miss it but there was the thrill and anticipation of starting a new life in a new city with her husband, the man she loved more than anything in the world besides her son.

It had been agreed that since they were leaving after New Year's, Nina would relinquish her spot in the upcoming show to Windy and she would help the other woman prepare. She had only a few more performances of her own and the thought of not dancing every day made her wistful. She hoped she'd be able to find somewhere to take lessons in Edmonton and then eventually start her own school once they were settled.

Logan and Nina walked through the stage door surprised that Pops wasn't in his usual place, before either of them had a chance to comment on it though, all the work lights blazed on and the entire cast and crew yelled out "Surprise!"

Windy stepped forward to hug them both. "I think I should be angry I wasn't invited but instead I decided to throw you a party. Congratulations you two."

Everyone stepped forward then to offer their good wishes and Nina could see they'd set up a long table with refreshments and punch and decorated the area with streamers and paper bells.

They spent a pleasant half hour nibbling and sipping and listening to everyone tell them how surprised they all were to hear that they'd eloped before everyone had to get to work and prepare for the day's performances.

The next two weeks were a whirlwind of activity for Logan and Nina. There were the final performances of the old show to get through and the rehearsals for the new show, which Nina was heavily involved in, but they also needed to sort through everything in Nina's apartment, pack up what needed to be shipped to Canada and dispose of what they weren't taking.

A furnished house was being provided for Logan as part of his employment until they could buy one of their own. Logan was determined that would be soon if he had to build the damn thing with his own two hands, but at least they didn't have to worry about shipping any furniture.

Christmas came and went and they would hardly have noticed if it hadn't been for Michael and his excitement. They spent the day quietly as a family after opening gifts in the morning. Nina prepared a dinner for them and they invited Mrs. Lieberman to spend the day with them.

Before they knew it, it was New Year's Eve and time for the new show to open. The company would celebrate after the last performance finished at 11 o' clock with a combination cast party, New Year's Eve celebration and a farewell to Nina and Logan who would be leaving for Edmonton in two days.

Nina was on the sidelines tonight, watching Windy fill the soubrette spot like a proud mother hen but Logan had to work until final curtain so they didn't spend much time together that night apart from intermissions and the time between shows. Logan was looking forward to 11 o'clock so they could celebrate the New Year together. Once they'd put in their appearance at the party he was going to take her home and celebrate the New Year properly. . . alone. He grinned wolfishly at the thought; no surprise he couldn't keep his hands off his wife. Good thing she couldn't seem to keep her hands off him either.

At 11:10 Logan stood, two glasses of champagne punch in hand, waiting for his wife to appear from wherever she was.

He grabbed Windy as she walked past.

"Have you seen Nina?"

"The last I saw she was back in the dressing room packing up the last of her things and freshening up for the party."

"Thanks," he said, heading in the indicated direction. He knocked on the door and went in but the room was empty. Nina's coat and suitcase were still there but no Nina. He sniffed; she'd been here just a few minutes ago. He detected more scents though, one was Rosie's. . . shit. . . and the other the familiar scent he'd smelled on Rosie once before. His mind worked desperately trying to place it. It was so familiar and then it came to him all at once and his heart plummeted to the pit of his stomach. It was that lunatic, Creed! Victor Creed, his worst nightmare and even worse enemy. Their feud was long standing. The man had hated him from the moment they'd met and the feeling was mutual. What the hell was he doing in New York? With Rosie? Goddammit, the two of them had Nina.

It was then he noticed the open window. Their scents led out to the fire escape. He ran back downstairs and grabbed his jacket. Joe noticed him rushing through the crowd and called to him.

"Hey, where ya going? Where's Brandy?"

Logan kept going out the stage door but Joe caught the words "Rosie" and "Nina" and saw the panicked look on Logan's face and understood completely. He took off after Logan who stood in the alley below the dressing room fire escapes. It seemed to Joe he was looking around.

"Logan, what's going on?"

"She's gone! I know Rosie took her." He didn't mention why he knew that. "I'm going after her."

"Son, you should come back inside and call the police."

Logan almost laughed out loud. The police? And what was he supposed to tell them? "Well officer, you see my former lover and my worst enemy have somehow joined forces to kidnap my wife. What's that? How do I know this? Well, I smelled them of course." Yeah. Sure.

Windy came running up, her coat thrown over her shoulders. "Is everything alright? I saw Logan run out like the devil himself was chasing him."

"Nina's gone, we think Rosie took her," Joe told her. "You go back in and call the police, I'm going with Logan to look for them."

"Joe. . . " Logan began.

"I don't wanna hear it Logan. That little gal is very special to me and so are you. I'm not letting you do this alone."

Logan acquiesced with a curt nod. He turned to Windy. "Don't call the police until you hear from one of us. We'll let you know where they should go."

He waited impatiently in the alley while Joe went to get his coat and hat.

"How do you plan to find them?" He asked when he emerged.

"Gonna track them," Logan told him. "Just like I would if I was home in Canada."

"Logan, I don't know if you've noticed but this isn't Canada, it's New York City."

Logan gave Joe a sharp look. "I know that. It will be harder but it won't be impossible. Just trust me and don't get in my way.

Joe nodded. Logan led them out to 14th Street and stood on the corner, scenting the air surreptitiously. Shit. . . they'd gotten in a cab. Well that was going to make it a damn sight harder but still not impossible.

Logan stuck his hand out and a taxi came screeching to a halt. He and Joe got in and Logan told the cabbie, "Just drive until I tell you to stop."

Nina was gagged and bound to a hard ladder back chair. Her back was stiff and her joints were aching. It had been four hours since Rosie and her boyfriend had surprised her in her dressing room. They'd allowed her to walk into the hotel under her own power and without a gag. Rosie had thrown a coat over her bound hands and then held a stiletto in her back to ensure her cooperation.

The man, whom Rosie had called Victor, was lounging back against the headboard of the bed leering at her. She saw he had a revolver on the bedside table, close at hand if needed.

"So you're the runt's frail, eh?" His grin sent shivers through her. "Hmm, well you're kinda scrawny for my tastes. I like a dame with a little meat on her bones like Rosie here," he said giving the redhead a playful swat on the rump.

Rosie sank down next to him on the bed and put her arms around him, cooing. "I told Logan there would be trouble, puta. How does it feel to know you're going to be the bait to lure him to his sordid end?"

"Shut up, Rosie." Vic commanded.

Tears spilled down Nina's cheeks. From what she could tell this man Victor knew Logan and hated him. He and Rosie had somehow met up with each other and discovered their mutual goal of inflicting harm on him and were using her to lure him to this squalid hotel and. . . well it was too horrible to even think about but she knew if they had their way neither she nor Logan would be leaving.

It was nearing two o'clock when Logan told the driver to stop the car. They'd been driving around for the past few hours with the window down and Logan sniffing the air like a dog, much to the unease of both Joe and the cabbie who thought he'd completely lost his mind.

Now he and Joe were standing on a corner in Hell's Kitchen in front of a dingy former tenement, which was now a dingy Single Room Occupancy.

Logan looked up at the building. "They're in there," he said.

Joe didn't dare ask him how he knew.

"Go call Windy," the younger man said, "and then wait here for the police."

"Logan, you're going to need someone to watch your back."

"Joe, she's my wife. This is my problem, I don't want you getting hurt because of us."

Logan went in and spoke to the desk clerk. "Listen, bub, do you have a tall blonde fella staying here? You may have seen him with a redhead and a petite blonde."

The desk clerk looked up warily, "Guest information is confidential. I can't tell you that."

Logan's last shred of patience gave way and he grabbed the clerk by the lapels. "You'd better tell me before I break your fucking nose."

The clerk looked into Logan's eyes and saw that he was dead serious. He swallowed against his suddenly dry mouth. "Upstairs, Room 502. Top floor in the corner," he squeaked out.

Logan let go of the clerk and smoothed down the front of his shirt. "Thank you, I appreciate you being so helpful," he said wryly.

As he climbed the stairs, Logan prayed silently. He'd never, ever been able to best Creed one-on-one and he hoped he could find whatever it was he needed within himself to do it now. If he was correct, his and Nina's lives depended on it. He bypassed the fifth floor and kept going to the roof.

He peered over the edge, the window to Creed's room wasn't that far below him. He could see Rosie had her back to it. He grasped the edge of the eave with his fingers and slowly swung his legs over, bracing his feet against the brick above the window. He took several deep breaths to gather his concentration before swinging down and plunging his legs through the glass, catching Rosie in the back. His kick sent her sprawling across the room where she hit her head against the metal footboard of the bed and collapsed unconscious.

Good now it was just he and Creed as it should be. A quick glance at Nina told him she was bound but unharmed. Unfortunately he didn't have time to cut her loose. Right now he needed to deal with Creed who was reaching for his gun. Logan brought his foot into contact with Creed's hand and kicked the gun away. It skittered across the bed and landed in the corner.

"Ah, ah," Logan admonished, "you wouldn't want to shoot an unarmed man now would you, Vic?"

Creed grinned ferally, no hint of pleasure in the smile at all. "I'll do anything it takes to get rid of you, runt."

Logan chuckled mirthlessly. "Too bad you haven't been able to do it yet," he said nonchalantly before springing on Creed with all his weight. The two of them sprawled across the bed and onto the floor on the other side.

They began pummeling each other for everything they were worth. Creed hauled Logan up by his lapels and gave him a hard right to the jaw, knocking him through the flimsy door and into the hallway. Logan quickly regained his feet and charged the bigger man, pushing him back down the hall, away from the room and Nina.

The other occupants had enough sense of self-preservation garnered from years of living in sleazy hotels to know enough to stay in their rooms with the door shut.

Creed faced Logan at the top of the stairs. He feinted with his right and snapped Logan's head back with a left uppercut. Logan spun and slid down the stairs to the next landing. Creed followed quickly and pummeled him with his fists until blood was pouring from Logan's nose and his face was covered in numerous bruises and cuts in various stages of healing.

Creed dragged Logan down the rest of the stairs to the next floor and pinned him up against the wall with one meaty fist to the throat. Logan saw the other hand disappear behind him and reappear with a 12-inch hunting knife.

"You never could beat me, runt," Creed hissed into Logan's face. "Too bad you never learned that." The knife glittered menacingly as Creed's arm raised, ready to plunge the knife into Logan's heart.

Creed froze, a look of pain and disbelief on his face, dropping the knife. Logan realized he'd heard a gunshot and then two more. Creed slumped to the floor unconscious, three bullet holes in his back and side.

Logan took great gulps of air into his burning lungs as his throat suddenly opened up. He caught a glimpse of Nina on the stairs holding Creed's smoking revolver before he collapsed to the floor. She was suddenly in his lap sobbing hysterically.

"Oh my God. Logan, he was going to kill you! HE WAS GOING TO KILL YOU!" She shrieked. Grabbing him around the neck she began rocking back and forth. His arms came up around her waist and he hugged her close.

"He was gonna try his damndest, darlin'." She began wailing loudly again and he had to raise his voice to get her to listen to him. "But he didn't! Thanks to you."

The sun was rising over the East River when Logan and Nina were finally finished giving their statements to the police and Logan was checked over by a doctor and given a clean bill of health. No one commented on his lack of cuts or bruises and he was thankful. His voice was still raspy from the throttling Creed had given him but he'd be fine in another day.

Logan and Nina were just about to enter a squad car to be escorted home when a young officer came running up to the captain in charge.

"Sir, the suspect has escaped!"

"The woman?"

"No sir. The man."

"What? How can that be? The man was unconscious in the back of an ambulance with three .22 slugs in his back!"

"I don't know, sir. All I know is what came over the radio."

The captain turned to Logan. "Mr. Logan, for both your and your wife's safety I think we're going to post a police guard on your apartment until you leave for Canada."

Logan nodded and got into the squad car with Nina. As far as he was concerned, they couldn't leave soon enough.

CHAPTERS:   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   Epilogue

All references to characters belonging to the X-Men Universe are (c) and TM the Marvel Comics Group, 20th Century Fox and all related entities. All rights reserved. Any reproduction, duplication or distribution of these materials in any form is expressly prohibited. No money is being made from this archive. All images are also (c) and TM the Marvel Comics Group, 20th Century Fox and all related entities; they are not mine. This website, its operators and any content used on this site relating to the X-Men are not authorized by Marvel, Fox, etc. I am not, nor do I claim to be affiliated with any of these entities in any way.