Chapter 2

(Note from the Archivist: English is not the authors first language. So be kind.)

It took some time for Logan to recover consciousness. He opened his eyes frowning and blinking rapidly. He had no idea how long had he been out. He sat up slowly and looked around when a moan came to his ears. He turned to the bed. The girl was still there with her eyes closed turning her head slightly from side to side as if in disbelief. Whatever had happened had hurt her too. *What the heck had happened?!! Was that a mutant ability? Was it some sort of self-defense?* He shook his head to get rid of the fog that clouded his eyes. When he looked at the girl again, she was staring at him in anger.

"What have you done to me" He asked trying to understand what happened.

"What have YOU done to me?!!" She was getting mad. *What?!* He had tried his best after the accident that was not his okay, not ONLY his fault. And what had he got in response, a horrible pain like his brain being sucked through a straw? Shit!

"Oh, my head don't you realize oh I told you warned you oh, my head"

"Ok, so what was it?" Logan wanted at least make situation clear.

"Plagia-pull oh, hell! Anything but this!" She closed her eyes tightly and covered them with her hands "I hate it! I hate it! I hate YOU for what you've done!"

"I'm- I'm sorry it was an accident you were in the middle of the road"

"To hell with the accident! Ah-h-h you shouldn't touch me! I told you." She twisted on the bed rubbing her eyes wildly and swearing out loud. Logan frowned and stared at her, stunned. Not knowing what was happening. Not knowing what to do. After a minute the girl stopped torturing her eyes and slowly took her hands away, her eyes still closed. Then she opened them slowly turning her head away from Logan.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, nothing special" - she chuckled nervously.

Logan stood on his feet and bent a little to look into her eyes. She didn't miss the movement.

"You wanna see it? Here you are!" Abruptly she stared at him with her green no, no more green Logan's knees went week her eyes were hazel. Just like his own.

"Are you satisfied? Like what you see? Yeah, they don't go so well with brown hair, but don't worry, it's gonna turn black pretty soon!"

Logan placed his hand on the edge of the bed not to loose his balance, different thoughts shot through his mind.

"You're- you're copying, I mean."

"Yeah!" she cut him off sharply, - "I'm copying YOU, sweetheart!"

A crazy thought came to him.

"I hope you won't change all the way. You're not gonna change into a man, are you? The idea of having a double didn't make him happy after all that stuff on the Statue Of Liberty (<<How do I know it's you?>> - very funny, One-eye)

"Nah, I won't turn into a man. But pretty soon you'll know how your sister would look, if you had one. Or how you would look if you were a girl. It's gonna be so much fun, - a crazy smile crossed her face. Some strands of hair fell on her forehead. It was unmistakably getting darker. Was that possible? Normal human hair is nothing but dead cells. Did it differ in her? Maybe, Jean could find an explanation. *I should take her to the mansion*, - Logan thought, - *But how do I convince her if she refuses?*

"How long have you had your ability?"

"Quite long" - She obviously wasn't talkative. She sat up and shook her head, then got to her feet uncertainly and looked around.

"Did you bring my bag here?" Then she saw the bag, nodded with satisfaction and went towards it. She hung it on her shoulder and looked around again.

"Where's my board?"

The realization hit Logan at once.

"You shouldn't leave now."

She turned her head to him and rose her eyebrow.

"Can you give me one good reason to stay? She asked sarcastically.

Logan paused for a moment. He didn't want to let her go after that what did she call it "plagia-pull"? - Who knew what she had absorbed from him, what part of him she had taken in addition to the eye and hair color. He looked at her. Her hair was completely black now, tousled, falling down on her shoulders and making sharp contrast with the white strap of her bag. Soft lips were tightly shut, dark hazel eyes ( *oh, they really suit you!*) staring at him in expectance. Something in her scent changed. Logan inhaled it trying to figure out the difference but he was too intoxicated to think.

"So have you come up with any reason for me to stay yet?" She asked a bit irritated.

Logan stopped admiring her beauty immediately and cursed himself.

"M-m-m what about the accident?"

"The accident?" She laughed out loud, - "so what? Did I break any bones? Do I have blood-loss? Oh, maybe you think I'm paralyzed and I can't walk? You know, your reason doesn't seem too good for me, - she said, but Logan noticed that she was rubbing her arms where she had been hit.

"Your hands is everything alright with them? I mean the bruises"

"Bruises?" She raised her eyebrow again, - "I don't have any bruises. I might have a broken arm, but I'll take care of it in the nearest hospital. I'll just" - She stopped, noticing Logan turning pale.

"What's wrong?" Logan stared at her with wide eyes and frightening expression on his face. He paced to her slowly looking at something. Her knees went shaking under his gaze, though he didn't look into her eyes.

"Show me your hands, - his terrifying voice broke the silence and sent shiver down her spine. She involuntary stepped back hiding her arms behind her. He was getting closer making her pace back step by step until her back hit the cold wall of the truck. Suddenly the strange uncomfortable feeling in her arms turned into searing pain. She yelped and bit down into her lower lip. Logan stopped right in front of her inches from her face pinning her with his gaze. Suddenly the realization hit her. He wasn't threatening her; he was terrified. Grabbing her elbows he made her show her arms paying no attention to her gasp and gasped himself. There were no signs of bruises left, but the structure of her arms was changing right in front of his eyes. Weird bulges rolled under her skin, prominences forming between her knuckles. Logan shook his head in disbelief still holding her hands in his. The silence was broken abruptly with girl's scream. Logan barely managed to thrust back when razor-sharp claws shot out of her clenched fists with am all too familiar *SNICKT!*.

CHAPTERS:   1   2   3   4   5   6

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