Night and Day: Ravell'd Sleave of Care
Chapter 8
Disclaimer: The X-Men and Alpha Flight belong to Marvel. The movie belongs to Fox. Belarus is an independent country and belongs to its citizens, mutant and otherwise. Bryn Mawr is a private women's college founded in 1885. It belongs to the women, mutant and otherwise, who have lived and learned there for the past 116 years. I do feel like Scott and Logan are a little bit mine since I've been borrowing them for so long.
Subject: Checking in
Hi. Just wanted to let you know that we arrived without incident last night. Plus, I want to fill you in a little on what I've been up to so far. As we discussed, I'm trying to meet individually with each of the group members to get a better sense of how they are doing and who would fit in well if we send additional residents. I'm also trying to figure out whether it would be best to rotate anyone here out of Saskatchewan.
So far, I'm pretty pleased in general with how they all seem to be doing. There is certainly some tension - particularly between Logan and Wendy - but it seems to be a pretty cohesive group. Wendy, at least, doesn't think that the problems she has been having with Logan preclude them working together. I haven't had a chance to talk to Logan about this yet - it may be more of an issue for him than it is for her.
There was a bit of a contretemps this morning, I'm afraid. Wendy, it turns out, had given the address here to a friend of hers. Logan got understandably angry about that. Things did look like they were getting a bit out of hand, as though the anger wasn't just over this one incident. In terms of the particular incident, I think it's going to be okay. The friend is a mutant and an old college friend of both Wendy and Heather. She's coming out here later this week and I'm hoping to recruit her for our team. Her mutant power is languages - she can speak and write any human language fluently with no prior experience. Have you ever heard of such a thing? I think she'd be invaluable for translation and for foreign missions. I'm also wondering if she can teach. We're so short-handed lately. So, it may be a case of all's well that ends well.
That reminds me - you're taking my Shakespeare seminar tomorrow, right? Please see how they are coming on their original soliloquies. They should at least know which play they are each adding a soliloquy to and where they are adding it. I'd feel better if at least some of them have started writing, too.
Sorry, I got off on a tangent. Anyway, things got a little heated between Wendy and Logan in the middle there. Well, heated on his side, anyway.
Jean-Paul seems to be doing much better. I was so pleased this morning to see baby April sitting on his lap and both of them looking happy and comfortable. She is totally taken with him and just follows him around everywhere. I spoke to him privately and he says that, after some initial difficulty, he has become more and more comfortable with her presence and is really enjoying the special relationship he's developing with her. He also said he would like to see more children in the community. So, Jean-Paul seems to be coping well. He was also pleased to see Warren. They have been enjoying catching up and are planning to go on a flying tour of the area tonight when they can do so unnoticed, under cover of darkness.
Arthur and Wendy both seem to be coping well, although she did mention feeling a little bit starved for female companionship. She's looking forward to her friend Laura's arrival, which will help in the near term. We should make sure that the next bunch of residents includes at least one other woman.
Arthur was not too forthcoming about his own feelings, but seems to be doing okay. I got the impression he was a little bit uncomfortable talking to me - I'm not sure why.
So, my first day and I've done initial interviews with everyone but Logan. It's still a little bit hard to talk to him, Charles. I don't quite know how to go from what we were to what we are now. I *think* this is right; I don't think it could have worked between us. But I'm really not sure. And I do miss him so much. So, I'm a little frightened to do the one-on-one bit with him. Still, I will screw my courage to the sticking place (Don't forget about those soliloquies, okay?) and talk to him before the day is out.
Have you heard any more about the Belarus situation? All I know is what I'm hearing on the news here. It is being covered pretty extensively on the CBC, with a lot of the focus being on discussion about potential mutant refugees coming to Canada. The federal government is prepared to accept them as in need of political asylum but there's a lot of negative popular reaction to that decision. Of course, it's all hypothetical at this point since, AFAIK, no mutants have gotten out of Belarus yet, much less ended up in Canada.
P.S. I'm still trying to get hold of Pyotr - called a few more numbers I had for friends and relatives of his. Some in Moscow, some in St. Petersburg. No luck - either the people on the other end don't know anything about his whereabouts or don't speak English. I'm going to retry with the non-English speakers once Laura gets here.
Subject: Reply to: Checking in
I'm glad to hear you and Warren arrived okay and that all is going well so far. Thanks for the reminders about checking on the soliloquies. I might have missed doing so with only the lesson plan you left me and the several strategically placed Post-it notes.
Let me know how things go when you talk to Logan. It would be a shame if we have to bring Wendy and Arthur back here - they certainly have the skills needed up there. And they are both very enthusiastic about the project. I do hope Wendy and Logan can resolve their differences. I can see how their personal styles might clash but I would expect that he values her experience and skill.
Scott, I think I do understand how difficult it is for you to deal with Logan on this basis right now. FWIW, I do think you're doing the right thing. I understand that the bond between you two was a strong one and that it was one of affection and not just attraction. But, truly, I don't think he is capable of maintaining a close, loving relationship with anyone. What was done to him was horrific and I fear that it has left him unable to relate to anyone on the level I know you would need. Some damage just isn't reparable.
Wendy's friend does sound like she may be a good addition to the team. I'm sure you will manage to charm her into joining us if she seems suitable once you meet her.
My big news is that Hank is back. Good news for our teaching and team-member shortage; bad news for his mission and for what it says about mutant status in this country. We are far from the mutant cleansing of Belarus, thank God, but it's a sad circumstance when the National Institutes of Health send Hank home from what was supposed to be a one-year assignment. Their only justification is that they cannot "guarantee his safety". I fear that circumstances are only going to get worse in this country, particularly for easily identifiable mutants such as Hank. In a related development, Jean tells me that in her last trip into town she saw "No Mutants Allowed" signs on several of the Salem Center shops. We are considering whether we should cancel any off-campus trips for those students whose mutations are clearly visible. It's something we should discuss when you return.
P.S. Thanks for the update on the Canadian view of the Belarus situation. I fear that the INS here would not be so willing to consider mutants for political asylum. OTOH, as you point out, it's pretty much an academic question unless and until some refugees actually manage to get out of the country.
Subject: Reply to: Checking in
I am so sorry to hear about Hank. Yes, good news for the teaching and team shortage (and I'm sure Jean can use the help in the medical department). But such a loss for everyone. It was such an opportunity to improve our relations with the federal government. And for professional and personal growth for Hank. He must be crushed.
I'm also worried to hear about the developments in town. I think this really shouldn't wait for me to get back - student off-campus trips should be suspended at least until we have a better sense of what's going on there. And I don't really think that Jean should be going there without some sort of protection, either. Maybe, for the interim, trips should be in groups of two or more.
I understand what you had to say about Logan, Charles, but it hurt to read it. It sounds so callous. I know you don't mean it like that; I know you are just thinking of what's best for me. But, Charles, we're all damaged, me no less so than the rest. And what happened between me and Logan was at least half my fault. I just can't believe that he doesn't have the capacity to succeed at love. He's more loyal a friend in many ways than I've ever been. I certainly wish the best for him. I want him to be happy, much as it would pain me to see him with someone else. So, I hope you're wrong. And I know him well enough to say that I truly think you are.
P.S. Did I mention I wanted you to check with the Shakespeare students on how they are doing on their soliloquies? <ducking>
Subject: Reply to a Reply: Checking in
Just briefly - we can talk more later-
You are quite right about off-campus trips. Safety first. We have suspended all student trips and none of the faculty are going anywhere unaccompanied, as of today.
Hank is holding up okay. It is a hard, hard thing for him and this will take some time. He is planning on taking over a number of classes and otherwise staying busy, though.
I'm sorry to have sounded callous in what I said about Logan, Scott. You certainly know him better than I do. I hope whatever happens that you both end up with some lasting happiness. Please forgive me if your happiness is somewhat more important to me than his.
P.S. You're a tall man and I am in a wheelchair. Ducking just makes you an easier target.
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